mercredi 8 avril 2015

Galaxy S6 edge Battery Life, confirmed culprits so far

Hello all,

So we have all seen varying battery life as well as many different attempted solutions to make for less battery drain.

We have heard of the Cell Standby bug, draining a ton of battery

And yet for many, battery was still really bad.

This post is to show confirmed culprits of the battery drain that some of us have experienced, and to give the best, most up to date solution that has proven to make a difference :

For me, cell standby was the first and main issue. Turning off VoLTE did nothing, but turning off WiFi caused that drain to disappear. However, the battery was far from reasonable.

I noticed a couple apps crashing, so I went ahead and froze the preloaded amazon app using greenify. This resulted in the best battery cycle I have had with an S6 edge. Others have tried and confirmed that the preloaded amazon store seems to be causing a strange battery drain. Disabling that one completely seems to make a healthy difference.

Also, make sure you are using the charger that came with the phone, to allow the battery to calibrate. Share your results and suggestions below, and whatever we confirm as a potential help in battery life I will add here.

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